Sunday, June 24, 2012

Just. One. More

Just. One. More.

One more what?

Does it really matter?

Just.  One.  More.

Those three little words can be applied to nearly anything and most often result in a whole lot of happy!

Some of my earliest memories involve one of my favorite things in life: books!  “Just one more book, mommy, please???”  I’d beg every night before bed.  I quickly moved into chapter books and the plea became, “Just one more chapter, mommy, please???”  I no longer have to ask permission but I still find myself thinking, “Just one more chapter, THEN I’ll turn out the light.”   So thanks, mama, for teaching me that books are our friends!

I can say with some measure of authority that what we learn by example has a tendency to stick with us! I learned early on that just one more meant a whole lot of happy!  My love of just one more book has been passed down to the next generation!  As soon as my three babies could talk it was my turn to either give in or ignore the cries of “Just one more, mommy!”  Any guesses what I chose?  Yep, there's always time for just one more!  In fact, my little ones learned very early that they could have my complete and undivided attention if they showed up with a book in hand!  The house might’ve stayed a tad messy or the pasta cooked a smidge beyond the desired ‘al dente’ but the result was a whole lot of happy all the way around!

Perhaps it’s my love of squeezing in just one more minute to read that is the motivation behind the creation of this blog.  I like to tell a story every bit as much as I like to read one!  Just one more seems to be the (ha) story of my life—for good and for ill!  You’ve heard the saying: truth is stranger than fiction?  I think Murphy had me in mind when he sat down to write his infamous law because no one could make up some of the situations I find myself in.  No matter where I go, no matter what I do, I seem to be a magnet for the idiotic!  My truth is routinely stranger than fiction! Sometimes it’s absurd, sometimes it’s aggravating, occasionally it’s repulsive, but it always ends up making me laugh sooner or later.  I started sharing a few of these stories on Facebook and now, instead of my kids begging for just one more book, my friends are begging me for just one more story!

So, here you go—it is with you in mind that I will share just one more.  The beauty of the concept is, there’s  a l w a y s  time for just one more!

May the ridiculous situations I find myself in bring you your own little bit of happy!